GPT-Store.Pro - Free YouTube Summarizer

Free YouTube Summarizer in GPT-Store.Pro

Updated on 2023-11-10T14:51:56.910704Z

Basic GPT information of Free YouTube Summarizer

  • Description: Extracts and summarizes YouTube video transcripts in any chosen language, removing language barriers. Converts the summaries into embeddable HTML articles for websites.
  • Author: Natzir Turrado Ruiz
  • Updated Time: 2023-11-10T14:51:56.910704Z
  • Welcome Message: Hello! Ready to summarize any YouTube video for you.

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    Tools Free YouTube Summarizer is using

    • plugins_prototype
    • browser
    • dalle
    • python

    Tags Free YouTube Summarizer has

    • public
    • reportable
    • uses_function_calls